Even Sigmar loses track of time

“So it has been what, slightly more than 2 weeks since my last post?…well I promise to try to post more often going forward…”

Yup that’s what I started my last post with, and that was July 31st, so almost exactly a month and a half ago.  Right after that our closing date on our new house got pushed back a month (was supposed to be that day actually) and we ended up having to move out of our old place before we had a new place. Plus school started up in August as well so let’s just say I hardly had time anything, much less planning blog posts. THIS time though I REALLY promise to post more often ;).

I don’t have a big post planned today, really just wanted to put up something so people don’t think I have abandoned the site or anything and just give a status update:

I was treated to a pleasant surprise of getting a link on the AoS reddit /r/ when I logged in today so that was exciting, thanks for that! Finally got my hobby stuff unpacked and I have finally had time to get started on actually painting my AoS stuff which is long over due. Lastly I bought entry to the narrative event for the LVO that’s being run by The Narrative Guys and today we finalized our travel plans. Think I’m going to be rocking my Ad. Mech. forces for it, still a ways off but I can’t wait. Hopefully AoS takes off enough that they do something similar with it for the 2017 LVO. If anyone else is going to be there let me know in the comments and I’ll buy you a beer if I see you ;).

So like I said just a quick update, I’ll post a more detailed opinion piece later in the week and will hopefully have some hobby progress to show off. Oh and I almost forgot: Heard about a new AoS dedicated podcast from Garagehammer. Only one episode so far but it is really well done and they had some great content. Check them out at http://mortalrealms.blogspot.com/ or of course iTunes.

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